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C. Final Combined Competitive Examination (Full Marks - 200) :- The Final Combined
Competitive Examination will consist of three papers of conventional type questions,
a) Paper-I :- General Studies and Arithmetic for 100 marks (50 marks for General Studies,
and 25 marks for Logical & Analytical reasoning and 25 marks for Arithmetic) of 2
(two) hours duration.
b) Paper-II :- English of 50 marks of 1 (one) hour duration.
c) Paper-III :- Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali of 50 marks of 1 (one) hour duration.
The written examination for all the above three papers of the Final Combined
Competitive Examination shall be held on the same day at selected centres to be decided
by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board. The question paper for Paper - I (General
Studies and Arithmetic) of Final Combined Competitive Examination will be set in
three languages (English, Bengali and Nepali). The candidate may answer in any of
these languages but all the answers must be in one and the same language. The
syllabus for final combined competitive examination shall be as mentioned herein after.
The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board shall have the discretion to fix qualifying
marks in all or any of the three papers and also in the aggregate of three papers in the
Final Combined Competitive Examination.
D. Personality Test : (Full Marks - 30) :- A limited number of the candidates who have
fulfilled all the eligibility criteria for the post will be selected merit-wise on the basis of
the results of the Final Combined Competitive Examination and will be called to appear
at the Personality Test. The minimum passing mark for the personality test will be 08
(eight). The candidates who have failed to secure minimum passing mark in the
personality test will be disqualified irrespective of the marks obtained by them in the
Final Combined Competitive Examination.
The final merit list of provisionally selected candidates shall be prepared on the basis of
the total marks obtained in the three papers of Final Combined Competitive Examination
and the marks obtained in the Personality test. The candidates who have failed to secure
minimum pass mark in the personality test will not be considered for selection.
Note:- In case, 02 (two) or more candidates secure the same total (aggregate) marks, their
seniority in the final merit/selection list will be decided upon comparing the marks
obtained by the candidates in the Final Combined Competitive Examination. The one
who secures higher marks in the Final Combined Competitive Examination will rank
higher in the Merit List. If the marks secured in the Final Combined Competitive
Examination are also the same, seniority will be determined by comparing the marks
obtained by the candidates in Paper-I (General Studies & Arithmetic) of Final
Combined Competitive Examination. The one who secures higher marks in Paper-I
(General Studies & Arithmetic) of Final Combined Competitive Examination will take
precedence in the Merit List. If the marks secured in Paper-I (General Studies &
Arithmetic) of Final Combined Competitive Examination also turn out to be equal,
then seniority will be determined by their age. The candidate older in age will rank
above the others in the Merit List. In case of same Date of Birth the principle of
determining seniority will be decided by the Board.