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WBCS Examination – Vacancy, Notification, Exam Date, Online Application, Syllabus, Admit Card, Result


WBCS Exam Coaching 2023


WBCS Examination: Notification

West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) released the notification for WBCS Exam on their official website. The WBCS exam is conducted in three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interviews.

Follow our website to stay updated with the latest information on WBCS Exam.

WBCS Examination: Notification Overview

The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) released the WBCS Exam Notification on their official website. The commission conducts the WBCS Examination to recruit officers for various posts in Group A, Group B, Group C, and Group D across different departments. Below we have provided the summary of the notification in a table format.


WBCS Examination Notification Summary 

Exam Name

West Bengal Civil Service (WBCS)

Conducting Body

West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC)

WBCS Job Category

Group A, B, C and D

WBCS Official Website

WBCS Exam Stages

Prelims, Mains, and Personality Test

WBCS Eligibility

Graduation Degree



WBCS: Exam Dates

The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has officially announced the WBCS (West Bengal Civil Service) Exam Dates. Check the exam dates and other important exam related information in the table given below. Mark your calendars and prepare yourself accordingly.


WBCS Examination Dates 2024



WBCS 2024 Application Starts

February 2024 (Expected)

WBCS 2024 Application & Fee Ends (online)

February (Expected)

February (Expected)



Mode of Application Form Submission




Posting Location

Anywhere in West Bengal


WBCS Examination 2024: Application Form

Candidates need to follow these simple steps to apply for WBCS Examination

  • Go to the official website of WBPSC.
  • Click on the “One Time Registration” button on the homepage to start the registration process.
  • Fill in the necessary details to create your registration ID and password. WBPSC will send you an SMS or email with your registration information.
  • Log in using the same registration ID and password.
  • Complete the application form by providing all the required information.
  • Pay the application fee and submit the form. Don’t forget to print a copy of the submitted application form for future reference. Candidates belonging to the unreserved category need to pay the application fee. However, candidates from SC/ST/PWD (with 40% disability or more) categories in West Bengal are exempted from paying any kind of fee for appearing for the WBCS Examination.


WBCS Examination 2024 Application Fee



Unreserved / EWS

Rs. 210/- (excluding Service charges & GST)



WBCS 2024: Salary Details

Salary of WBCS Officers vary depending on the group and designation. In the table below we have provided specific details about the salary structure.



WBCS 2024 Salary

Name of the Post – WBCS Group A

Pay Scale (Rs.)


56,100 – 1,44,300

Assistant Commissioner of Revenue in integrated WB Revenue Service

56,100 – 1,44,300

WB Co-operative Service

56,100 – 1,44,300

WB Labour Service

56,100 – 1,44,300

WB Food & Supplies Services  

56,100 – 1,44,300

WB Employment Services (Except technical)

56,100 – 1,44,300

Name of the Post WBCS Group B

Pay Scale (Rs.)

WB Police Service

56,100 – 1,44,300

Name of the Post – WBCS Group C

Pay Scale (Rs.)

Superintendent, District Correctional Home/Deputy Superintendent, Central Correction Home

35,800 – 92,100

Joint Block Development Officer

35,800 – 92,100

Deputy Asst. Director Of Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices

35,800 – 92,100

WB Junior Social Welfare Services

35,800 – 92,100

WB Subordinate Land Revenue Service Grade 1

35,800 – 92,100

Assistant Commercial Tax Officer

35,800 – 92,100

Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation)

35,800 – 92,100

Chief Controller of Correction Services 

35,800 – 92,100

Joint Registrar

35,800 – 92,100

Name of the Post – WBCS Group D

Pay Scale (Rs.)

Inspector of Co-operative Societies


Panchayat Development Officer under the Panchayat & Rural Development Dept.  


Rehabilitation Officer under the Refugee Relief and Rehabilitation Dept.



WBCS Examination 2024: Eligibility Criteria

Before applying for the WBCS exam, it is crucial for candidates to carefully review the WBCS eligibility criteria. This includes considering both the educational qualification and age limits.  Any discrepancy found during the verification process may result in the cancellation of the candidate’s candidature. Let’s take a look at the WBCS Educational Qualification and Age Limit Criteria  to better understand this aspect:


WBCS 2024 Age Eligibility


Age Limit

For Group A & C Posts 

21 – 36 years

For Group B

20 – 36 years

For Group D

21 – 39 years



WBCS 2024 Age Relaxation


Age Relaxation


5 years

SC/ST (Other States)

5 years

OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)

3 years

Persons with Disabilities (PWD)

45 years


WBCS Examination 2024: Educational Qualification

In order to appear for the WBCS Examination 2024, candidates need to have a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university on any stream. Furthermore, it is necessary for candidates to have proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing Bengali. There is an exception for the Nepali WBCS candidates.

WBCS Examination 2024: Syllabus

In order to qualify the WBCS (West Bengal Civil Service) 2024 examination, candidates need to be familiar with the syllabus. The WBCS syllabus for 2024 can be easily accessed on the official website of the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC).  It is important for the candidates to refer to the official website for a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the syllabus. It includes all the necessary information about the topics and subjects that will be covered in the examination

Name of the Subject

WBCS 2024 Syllabus


a. Synonyms and Antonyms

b. Idioms and Phrases

c. Vocabulary

d. Phrasal Verbs

e. Homophones

f. Fill in the blanks

General Science

a. General Appreciation

b. Understanding of Science

c. Matters of Everyday Observation

d. General Overview of Science subject without any High Degree Experience


a. Indian Ancient and Medieval History

b. Indian National Movement an Freedom Struggle (19th Century Resurgence)

c. Growth of Nationalism

d. Attainment of Independence

Current Affairs

Current Events of National and International Importance

Indian Polity

a. Indian Constitution

b. Panchayati Raj Institution

c. Constitutional, Non- constitutional, statutory Bodies, etc.

Geography (With special reference to WB)

Indian physical, economic & social geography

General Mental Ability

a. Logical Reasoning

b. Common Aptitude


The West Bengal Public Service Commission provides a list of optional subjects for the WBCS (West Bengal Civil Service) exam. Here is a simplified explanation of the optional subjects:

  • Bengali: This subject focuses on the Bengali language, literature, and grammar.
  • Hindi: This subject covers the Hindi language, literature, and grammar.
  • Urdu: This subject encompasses the Urdu language, literature, and grammar.
  • Nepali: This subject involves the Nepali language, literature, and grammar.
  • Santali: This subject deals with the Santali language, literature, and grammar.
  • English: This subject focuses on the English language, literature, and grammar.
  • Commerce and Accountancy: These subject covers topics related to commerce, accounting principles, and financial management.
  • Political Science: This subject involves the study of political theories, governance, international relations, and political systems.
  • Sociology: This subject explores the study of society, social institutions, social behaviour, and social issues.
  • Anthropology: This subject deals with the study of human evolution, culture, society, and biological aspects of humans.
  • Botany: This subject involves the study of plants, their classification, structure, functions, and ecology.
  • Physiology: This subject covers the study of human and animal physiology, including organ systems, functions, and processes.
  • Mathematics: This subject focuses on mathematical concepts, algebra, calculus, geometry, and statistics.
  • Physics: This subject involves the study of the physical properties of matter, energy, and the principles of physics.
  • Chemistry: This subject covers the study of chemical elements, compounds, reactions, and principles of chemistry.
  • Statistics: This subject deals with statistical methods, data analysis, probability, and mathematical statistics.
  • Zoology: This subject involves the study of animals, their classification, anatomy, physiology, and behaviour.
  • Agriculture: This subject covers various aspects of agriculture, including crop production, animal husbandry, and agricultural economics.
  • Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science: This subject focuses on animal health, breeding, and management practices.
  • Civil Engineering: This subject covers various aspects of civil engineering, including construction, design, and structural analysis.
  • Electrical Engineering: This subject involves the study of electrical systems, circuits, and electrical engineering principles.
  • Mechanical Engineering: This subject covers various aspects of mechanical engineering, including thermodynamics, mechanics, and design principles.
  • Law: This subject involves the study of legal principles, constitutional law, criminal law, and civil law.
  • Psychology: This subject explores the study of human behavior, mental processes, and psychological theories.
  • Philosophy: This subject covers various philosophical concepts, theories, and thinkers.
  • History: This subject involves the study of historical events, civilizations, and major historical periods.
  • Geography: This subject encompasses the study of physical geography, human geography, and geographical concepts.
  • Economics: This subject covers economic principles, theories, and concepts related to microeconomics and macroeconomics.
  • Computer Science: This subject focuses on computer programming, data structures, algorithms, and computer systems.

Candidates who will appear for the WBCS Group A and Group B Examination have to choose one optional subject  for the WBCS Main Exam based on their interests, background, and preparation.

WBCS 2024: Exam Pattern

The WBCS (West Bengal Civil Service) 2024 Exam consists of three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Personality Test.

1. Preliminary Examination (Prelims)

  • The Prelims stage is the first stage of the WBCS exam 
  • It consists of one General Studies (GS) paper.
  • The paper is of objective type, meaning multiple-choice questions will be asked
  • The purpose of the Prelims exam is to assess the basic knowledge of candidates.
  • Candidates should focus on general topics and are not required to specialize in any specific subject.
  • There will be negative marking for incorrect answers.


WBPSC 2024 Prelims Exam

Sl. No.

WBCS Subjects


No. of Questions



English Language



2 Hours


General Science




Indian Polity & Economy




CAs of National & International Importance




History of India




Geography with special reference to WB




Indian National Movement




General Mental Ability








2. Main Examination (Mains)

Only candidates who clear the Prelims exam are eligible for the Main Exam.

  • The Mains exam consists of both objective and subjective type questions.
  • There are several papers in the Mains exam, including compulsory papers and optional papers (based on the subjects chosen by the candidates).
  • Compulsory papers typically cover subjects like English composition, general studies, and more.
  • Optional papers are based on the subjects selected by candidates during the application process.

The Mains exam assesses the candidates’ in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subjects included in the syllabus. 


WBCS 2024 Mains Exam Pattern

WBCS Papers

WBCS Group A

WBCS Group B

WBCS Group C

WBCS Group D

Language Paper





English Language





GS Paper 1





GS Paper 2





Indian Polity & Economy





Arithmetic & Reasoning





Optional Subject (Paper 1 + Paper 2)



Personality Test 











3. Personality Test:

  • The final stage of the WBCS 2024 Exam is the Personality Test, also known as the Interview.
  • Candidates who qualify the Mains exam are eligible for the Personality Test.
  • The Personality Test evaluates candidates’ general awareness, communication skills, and personality traits.
  • It is conducted to assess the overall suitability of candidates for the civil service positions.
  • It is important for candidates to understand and prepare according to the exam pattern to perform well in each stage of the WBCS 202 Exam.

WBCS Examination: Previous Years Question Papers

If you are preparing for the WBCS exam, it’s important to practice the WBCS Prelims and Mains Previous Year Papers. These question papers from previous years are valuable resources to help you prepare for the upcoming WBCS exams. By practicing these papers, you can familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, understand the types of questions asked, and improve your overall preparation. Make sure to incorporate the practice of solving previous year’s question papers into your study routine for better results.

WBCS Examination 2024: Selection Process

The WBCS (West Bengal Civil Service) 2024 Selection Process involves three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interviews.

1. Preliminary Examination (Prelims):

  • The Prelims stage is qualifying in nature, meaning the marks obtained in Prelims are not included in the final merit list.
  • It consists of a General Studies (GS) paper.
  • Candidates need to clear the Prelims stage to move on to the Mains exam.
  • The Prelims exam assess the candidates’ basic knowledge and understanding.

Main Examination (Mains):

  • The Mains exam consists of compulsory papers and an optional subject paper.
  • There are six compulsory papers covering subjects like English, General Studies, etc in WBCS exam.
  • Candidates can choose one optional subject from the list provided by the WBPCS.
  • The optional subject consists of two papers, each carrying 200 marks.
  • Marks obtained in the Mains exam, along with the Personality Test marks, are considered for the final merit list.

3. Personality Test (Interview):

  • Candidates who qualify the Mains exam are called for the Personality Test, which is also known as the Interview.
  • The Personality Test assesses candidates’ general awareness, communication skills, and personality traits.
  • The marks obtained in the Personality Test are added to the Mains exam marks for the final merit list.

Based on the merit list, candidates who have passed all stages of the selection process will be recommended for appointment to various posts within the West Bengal Civil Services.

It is important for candidates to clear each stage of the selection process to be considered for the final appointment.

WBCS Examination 2024: Admit Card

Candidates must download the WBCS Admit Card from the official website of the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) in order to sit for the examination. The admit card is a crucial document that candidates need to carry with them to the examination hall. It contains important details such as the candidate’s name, roll number, signature, photograph, and essential instructions for the exam.

Here we have provided the notification pdf containing the link for downloading the Admit Card.

WBCS Examination 2024: Result

The WBCS (West Bengal Civil Service) Mains Result 2024 will be declared by the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC). The result will be announced and can be accessed on the official website.


A candidate must have a graduate degree from a recognised university in order to sit for the WBCS Exam and the age criteria varies as per the different groups.

Visit the official website and click on the "One Time Registration" button on the homepage to start the registration process. After creating the registration ID and Password, log in and complete the application form by filling in all the required information.

Candidates are chosen for WBCS depending on how well they perform in the preliminary exam, the main exam, and the personality test. Candidates for the Main Exam will be chosen based on their performance in the preliminary exam. Similarly candidates for the WBCS Personality Test will be chosen in order of merit based on the results of the Main Examination. Finally candidates clearing the personal interview or personality test will be chosen in the end.

The WBCS Exam is conducted in three stages, Prelims, Mains and the Interview. The Preliminary Examination has only 1 paper and the Main Exam has six compulsory papers and one optional subject. Optional subjects are only meant to be taken by candidates opting for WBCS Group A and Group B Services.

The WBCS is such a competitive exam that requires unwavering concentration, perseverance, and patience in the preparation process. Selecting the appropriate WBCS Books is not enough until you create an appropriate study plan. You will also have to properly understand the syllabus and exam pattern and attempt mock tests and previous year papers.

The age limit for WBCS Exam is different for different categories. For group A and Group C, the minimum age to sit for the examination is 21 years and the maximum age is 36 years. Wheras for WBCS Group B the minimum age to appear for the exam is 20 years and maximum age is 36 years and lastly for Group D, the minimum age is 21 years and maximum age is 39 years.

History is often regarded as one of the best optional subjects for WBCS. Because, except the part of World History, the rest of the Optional syllabus covers the WBCS Prelims and Mains syllabuses.

The WBCS Exam is generally conducted in three stages Preliminary, Main and Personal Interview. The Preliminary is the selection prtocess for the Main Examination and candidates qualifying the Main Examination, appear for the Personal Interview or the final round.

Career opportunities are excellent after qualifying the WBCS exam. Candidates who clear the WBCS examination are selected for positions such as Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Block Development Officer, Commercial Tax Officer, and others.

The subjects in the WBCS Examination are:
• English Composition. Synonyms and Antonyms
• General Science
• Current Events of National and International Importance
• History of India
• Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal
• Indian Polity and Economy
• Indian National Movement
• General Mental Ability

The WBCS Examination is held annually or as the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) announces. The Examination is held in three phases in a year, Prelims , Mains and Personal Interview.

A Graduate degree from an accredited university is the minimum educational qualification required for all the positions recruited through the WBCS exam. There is no mention of the minimum percentage requirement in the graduation degree. It suggests that any candidate may apply for the WBCS exam, regardless of percentage.

The WBCS Main Exam has eight papers, six of which are compulsory and one of which is optional and is divided into two papers. To be eligible for the selection procedure, candidates must qualify all the six compulsory subjects as well as one optional subject.

WBCS Prelims and WBCS Mains Previous Year Papers should be studied by candidates preparing for the WBCS exam. These prior year's question papers are excellent resources for preparing for the next WBCS examination. You can familiarise yourself with the test pattern, comprehend the types of questions asked and improve your overall preparation by properly studying these papers.

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